Universal Property of the Quotient Group

The universal property of the quotient group is a fact about the quotient group and group homomorphisms that is useful particularly in proving the first isomorphism theorem.


Let G and H be groups, and N be a normal subgroup of G.

There is a bijection


given explicitly by


where π is the quotient epimorphism (natural projection onto the quotient group).

Furthermore, ker(ϕ)=ker(Φ(ϕ))/N.

While the map here is chosen in the direction where it is natural to define, in practice we wish to take a homomorphism GH and use this to define a homomorphism G/NH.


Let G and H be groups, and N be a normal subgroup of G.

For any homomorphism ϕ:GH satisfying ϕ(N)={0} there is a well defined homomorphism ψ:G/NH given by ψ(gN)=ϕ(g) such that ψπ=ϕ.

Intuitively, if a map vanishes on the normal subgroup N, then there is no information lost when attempting to define an equivalent map from the quotient group G/N, as elements of N are treated as identical.

We will first prove the lemma above.


We will prove this map ψ is well defined by showing if g and g are in the same coset, then ϕ(g)=ϕ(g).

First note that by assumption ϕ(n)=id for any nN. Let ggN, then g=gn for some nN and hence


Now, ψ is a homomorphism because ψ(gN)ψ(gN)=gg=ψ(ggN).

Furthermore, (ψπ)(g)=ψ(gN)=ϕ(g) for all gG and thus ψπ=ϕ.

Now we prove the main result. In particular, note that the lemma above will give surjectivity of our map Φ.


Suppose that ψHom(G/N,H). Then, we have that Φ(ψ)=ψπ. Clearly as a composition of homomorphisms this is a homomorphism GN, and if nN then π(n)=N and hence this composition vanishes on N.

Surjectivity of Φ follows from the lemma above.

Injectivity of Φ comes about because if Φ(ψ)=Φ(ψ) then ψπ=ψπ, and for any element gG, this means ψ(gN)=ψ(gN). This implies that ψ=ψ.